🔐 Shop (Chicago): 4346 W. 51st St. Chicago, IL 60632 | ✆ +1-773-277-5625

🔐 Shop (Joliet): 2551 Suite 103 Division St. Joliet, IL 60435 | ✆ +1-630-961-5625

🕑 Work Hours: Mon-Fri: 7AM-7PM, Sat: 10AM-4PM, Sun: 11AM-3PM

Top Three Times Why You Seek The Services Of A Residential Locksmith

Jose Mario Hernandez Jr., CEO of Omega Locksmith in Chicago lists the top three times when you’ll need a good residential locksmith to rescue you from an unfortunate set of circumstances or to increase the safety of your home.

1) Facing a home lockout situation

Find yourself standing outside your house in the middle of the night while returning from a party without your keys? Quite a dreadful situation, isn’t it? Some of us have already experienced this earlier due to our lack of careful attention to our keys. Forgetting your keys or losing your keys and locking yourself out of your house is a common mistake that everyone makes at least once in their lifetime. You might get really angry and frustrated if you lock yourself out.

You could be standing outside in the cold, being absolutely hopeless, or in the pouring rain. Such situations can easily trigger you to take matters into your own hand. You can try to open the lock somehow, which can lead to more damage, out of insurance coverage, and can even cause injury to your arms or face.

People tend to keep their keys inside their property and leave suddenly without grabbing their keys or we get it stolen or lost. You should remain calm, and try to think of possible solutions. The best one would be to get in touch with a local locksmith. Regardless of the situation, it is essential to call a professional locksmith company near your home or apartment location you are locked out.

Some professional locksmiths offer emergency service and will fix your door hardware or replace your front door lock quickly and at an affordable price whenever you call them.

2) You have lost or broken keys or someone has stolen your keys

People lose their keys as they are small in size and can easily fall out of your pocket or purse. You may keep it somewhere in your home or office and forget to take it as it is not something big and noticeable that will always catch your sight. People stealing keys is also a good possibility, and to avoid your house from being burgled, keep your keys safe and avoid giving away spare sets of keys to all and sundry.

When you use your keys for many years, they may start to wear out. In such situations, there is a significant risk of breaking your keys or snapping them inside the lock. If you try to change it on your own, you might cause more damage to the lock system, or you can even hurt yourself. In such cases, you would need the right locksmith to get the broken piece out of the existing lock and get a better lock.

3) You or a new tenant has just moved into a new house or apartment

Some house owners may have gotten extra keys cut for the family members and neighbors in the past. If the previous owner did something like that, the risk of you being robbed increases manifold. Previous property owners may also sometimes not change their broken and damaged locks for cost reasons and the risk of burglary increases whenever there are poor quality locks being used.

When you walk into a new home, it is imperative and safer to replace all the locks and get new high-security locks installed. The previous owner of the house may have changed it already, but it is better to be cautious.

It is always important that you keep the safety of your property your first priority. It is essential that you call an expert locksmith to replace all the locks and keep your property secure.

Those were three top reasons why you need reliable residential locksmith services according to Jose of Omega Locksmith. Should you encounter any of the above emergency scenarios or need lock rekeying services, call a trustworthy locksmith company such as Omega Locksmith at 773-277-5625 to help you out.