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🔐 Shop (Joliet): 2551 Suite 103 Division St. Joliet, IL 60435 | ✆ +1-630-961-5625

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5 Updates to Make to Increase the Safety of Your Home

In the world we live in today, it’s no secret that you might want to take the necessary steps to increase the safety of your home. At Omega Locksmith, it’s our duty to provide all the necessary help and support to help you feel safe and secure in your own home. Upgrading the windows, installing high-security locks, increasing the amount of lighting, investing in a video surveillance system, and getting to know your neighbors are all important steps you can make to increase your home’s safety.

Whether you’re looking to protect your family, take precautions, or just bought a new home and want to make a few updates, below are some helpful ways to increase the safety of your home.

Upgrade the Windows

Perhaps you’re living in an older home or just moved into a new place, you might want to upgrade the windows. If your windows are not locking properly or closing all the way, you might want to consider replacing them. Not only does upgrading the windows increase the safety of your home if they happen to be outdated or broken, but it’ll also improve your home’s energy efficiency. According to Architectural Digest, the top window replacement brands for your home are Champion Windows, Castle Windows, Andersen, Marvin Windows, Harvey Windows + Doors, Milgard Windows, and Pella. If you happen to have an intruder, they might try to break through the glass. Putting in a protective film will hold an extra layer of security by holding the glass in place in the event of a break-in.

Install High-Security locks

After upgrading the windows, the next step is to make sure all the doors are secure in the home. It’s crucial to have dependable locks and security measures to maintain the security of your home. If you’re looking to change the traditional locks to something a bit more secure, contact a locksmith professional to install high-security locks on all exterior doors. Sliding glass doors, patio doors, garage doors, and front doors are all exterior doors you should consider upgrading. There are a few different types of security locks you can have installed. Padlocks and keypad locks are extremely popular because you can enter a code or use your fingerprint to get into the home. You can even connect your phone to an app that gives you access to unlocking your doors from your phone. Try to avoid hiding the spare key in a flower pot or under the doormat as it will be easy for a burglar to find and break into your home.

Increase the Amount of Lighting

In addition to installing high-security locks, increasing the amount of lighting outdoors at night will help keep out any unwanted guests. Motion detector lights are highly recommended especially if you have a backyard with easy access. The sensors will pick up any movement detected, and a spotlight will go off. It’s important to note that motion detector lights are very easy to trigger, so be aware that animals may also set the lights off as well. Motion detector lights are fairly inexpensive and can be found online or at any hardware store near you. Thieves often look for signs that a home may appear to be empty which is why increasing the amount of lighting around the exterior of your home, especially when it’s dark out, is crucial.

After the sun goes down, more lights are likely to be turned on in your home. The last thing you want is to have people driving by and be able to see right through the windows at everything you’re doing. To prevent this from happening and unwanted lurkers, invest in high-quality window blinds and curtains. Not only will the blinds and curtains add a layer of privacy, but they’ll also add a luxurious feel to your home as well.

Invest in a Video Surveillance System

Video surveillance systems are IP cameras that are installed around your home. If you live on a large piece of land, you might also want to have a multi-camera system installed, so your whole property can be under surveillance. This will allow you to watch live monitored recordings of the outside of your home. What’s beneficial about having these high-tech surveillance systems installed is that you can watch over your home if you’re away or on vacation at all times. Video doorbells are also extremely popular home security systems to have installed on all exterior doors. This will notify you if someone is at your door and will record them. If you’re someone who likes to order a lot of packages, a video doorbell is perfect for you to make sure your items aren’t stolen.

The video surveillance systems as well as the other safety upgrades mentioned above are highly recommended to increase your home’s security, but we understand that these updates can add up fast. To help cover these big expenses, research how a tax-deductible home equity loan works. A HEL is a type of loan that allows you to use the equity you’ve built up in your home as collateral to borrow money. What’s appealing about a HEL is that it’s easier to qualify for than many other loans. There are also no restrictions on how you use the funds, and you can put the money toward home safety updates like new windows, smart locks, and video surveillance systems.

Get to Know Your Neighbors

Whether you’ve been a resident in your neighborhood for some time now or just moved in, it’s important you introduce yourself. You don’t have to become great friends, but getting to know the people you live close by will be valuable for an extra safety net if needed. Simply letting them know if they ever need anything to feel free to stop by and vice versa is a good way to start. Becoming acquaintances with your neighbors is also a great resource to have if you decide to leave town and need someone to keep an eye on your home. Exchanging numbers in case of an emergency is encouraged so that way if an emergency does occur, you can warn your neighbors of any suspicious things occurring.

Feeling safe and secure in your own space is a huge deal. The last thing you want is to not feel protected in your own home. By following the helpful steps above, you can increase the safety of your home right away. Contact Omega Locksmith today, as your safety and security are our number one priority.
